The decade of the thirties was a time of enormous uncertainty¬ for the world, for America, and in particular for one lonely, struggling mother and her disabled son. But then The Gift appears...where has it come from, and why? How can a young boy who cannot communicate provide comfort and direction to seekers who learn of the special ability? Whatever the source, its presence brings a single shaft of light and hope to Mary and her beloved son, Jack.. .. Will it be enough?
Michael Landon Jr., son of the Little House on the Prairie star, has been building his own reputation in the film world and beyond with his highly successful Love Comes Softly movies. His Christian worldview illuminates all his work. He and his wife make a home for their three children near Austin, Texas. Cindy Kelley and Michael have co-written fIlm scripts together for over a decade, including the screenplays for most of the beloved Love Comes Softly films. Cindy and her husband, Jim, have three children and a granddaughter and make their home in Tucson, Arizona.
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