Friday, December 26, 2008
Forsaken by James David Jordan

Friday, December 19, 2008
Where Do I Go? by Neta Jackson

Dave and Neta live in Evanston, Illinois, where for twenty-seven years they were part of Reba Place Church, a Christian church community. They are now members of a multi-racial congregation in the Chicago area.
They're trying something new! Not just new for them, but something completely new in Christian fiction: “Parallel novels,” two stories taking place in the same time frame, same neighborhood, involving some of the same characters living through their own dramas and crises but interacting with and affecting one another … just the way it happens in real life.
It’s something that only a husband and wife writing team could pull off. While Neta has Where Do I Go?, her husband Dave has written Harry Bentley's Second Chance.

Gabrielle Fairbanks has nearly lost touch with the carefree, spirited young woman she was when she married her husband fifteen years ago. But when the couple moves to Chicago to accommodate Philip's business ambitions, Gabby finds the chance to make herself useful. It's there she meets the women of Manna House Women's Shelter; they need a Program Director-and she has a degree in social work. She's in her element, feeling God's call on her life at last, even though Philip doesn't like the changes he sees in her. But things get rough when Philip gives Gabby an ultimatum: quit her job at the shelter or risk divorce and losing custody of their sons. Gabby must take refuge, as in the song they sing at Sunday night worship: "Where do I go when there's no one else to turn to? . . . I go to the Rock I know that's able, I go to the Rock."
Romantic Times Book Reviews says, “Exquisite characters coupled with God's mercy and love emanate from each page.”
Publisher's Weekly adds, “Jackson's Yada Yada series has sold half a million copies, and this new offshoot series ... promises the same.... The book's dramatic ending ... leav[es] readers eager for the next installment in the series.”
To read the Prologue and first Chapter of Where Do I Go?, go HERE

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Living Rich for Less by Ellie Kay
In this time, who isn't worry about their finances? This book is a great choice to begin on for the new year and can give you some great tips for your finances. Who doesn't need help with that? Consider it for your reading stack!
So you want to own the home you love, make memories on wonderful vacations with family or friends, finance college educations, and help others too?
You can—starting here and now.
With lively humor, proven know-how, and practical principles for financial health, Living Rich for Less helps you stretch your dollars to realize the lifestyle of your dreams. Ellie Kay’s entertaining and enlightening examples show you simple steps to save, spend, and give smart, and her three main principles are undergirded by dozens of effective rules and hundreds of Cha-Ching Factor™ tips that keep or put money in your pocket.
Ellie knows what it’s like to be financially-strapped or struggling, wanting to be the Joneses but feeling as poor in spirit as in pocketbook. She went, within two and a half years, from being a new wife and mom with $40,000 in consumer debt and seven children (and college educations) to support, to being completely debt-free and within fifteen years able to pay cash for eleven different cars, give away three of those cars, buy two five-bedroom houses (moving from one to the other) and nicely furnish each, take wonderful vacations, dress her family in fine fashion; and support more than thirty non-profit organizations in more than a dozen different countries, giving away more than $100,000.
Isn’t that the kind of transformation to a rich life that you want?
Living Rich for Less helps anyone get there in our taxed-out, maxed-out times. Because financial security doesn’t mean just genuine prosperity, but being able to live luxuriously, give generously, and care for yourself as well as the others around you.
Why keep up with the Joneses when you can be them?
To purchase this book, click here.
Smiles and Loves!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Books for the Kids
I don't know about you, but I often find it difficult to find good books for my kids. Whether they are babies or teenagers, as a parent I want books that have bright and colorful pictures and great meaning. These books are just a few that I have found are great for kids.
BOARD BOOKS (0-3 years old)
This board book is a great choice for small children. It gives the story of Noah in easy to understand language and bright pictures. You can pick this one up for less than $6 at Christian Book Distributors.
Four to Ten Years Old
This is a beautiful story of a guardian angel and their night time adventures. It would make a great bedtime story for your favorite little one. You can purchase it here.
If you and your child are interested in taking care of the planet, this is a great choice. It is written in easy to understand language and is full of great information to take care of our world. To purchase it, click here.
This is another great choice for that bedtime story. It is a story about Emily and her bear, Cinnamon Bear, as well as Hug, her quilt, taking an adventure. It has softly beautiful pictures that are fun to look at and enjoy. To purchase it, click here.
Girls 10-14
I find that this age group is especially hard to find good books for, but the Girl 'n Grace books, like those shown here, have a great meaning and beautiful story. My nine year old daughter has fell in love with these books. Click on the book to purchase. When industrious Sydney Clair Wilcox finds herself lonely in the summer of 1965, she determines to do something about it. With her best friends, Vicky and Ann, Sydney Clair sets off on an enterprise to make money to purchase her hearts desire a funloving golden retriever. Join Sydney Clair as she finds for herself mishaps, merriment and meaning. Similar to the American Girl series model, Girls n Grace follows several characters who are set in modern decades. The unique aspect of this series is not only will girls from other continents be featured but all of the characters in their series of books will come to know fully the grace that only God can provide.
As the jungle rains diminish, a feud breaks out between Mesis Ashanti tribe and their neighbors, the Kienese. As tensions grow high, Mesi finds a friendship she must keep a secret. But she is faced with the decision as to what cost shes willing to pay in order to keep the secretand her new friend. Will she lose her best friend Kwasi? Anger her family? Or even bring destruction to her entire village? About the Girls n Grace Collection Similar to the American Girl series model, Girls n Grace follows several characters who are set in modern decades. The unique aspect of this series is not only will girls from other continents be featured but all of the characters in their series of books will come to know fully the grace that only God can provide.
Smiles and Loves!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Dear God, It's Me and It's Urgent by Marion Stroud

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Engaging Father Christmas by Robin Jones Gunn
When Thanksgiving rolls around, I am always looking for a few good Christmas books to read for the holiday season. Some of them are "so-so", but this one is definitely a keeper. It had a good story and great message that captured my interest from the first page to the last.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Robin grew up in Orange County, California and has lived in all kinds of interesting places, including Reno and Hawai’i.
She and her husband currently live near Portland, Oregon and have been married for 30 years. They spent their first 22 years of marriage working together in youth ministry, and enjoying life with their son and daughter who are now both grown.
As a frequent speaker at local and international events, one of Robin’s favorite topics is how God is the Relentless Lover and we are His first love. She delights in telling stories of how God uses fiction to change lives.
Robin is the recipient of the Christy Award, the Mt. Hermon Pacesetter Award, the Sherwood E. Wirt Award and is a Gold Medallion Finalist. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Media Associates International and the Board of Directors for Jerry Jenkins’ Christian Writers’ Guild.
ABOUT THE BOOKMiranda Carson can't wait to return to England for Christmas and to be with her boyfriend, Ian. She has spent a lifetime yearning for a place to call home, and she's sure Carlton Heath will be it, especially when a hinted-at engagement ring slips into the conversation.
But Miranda's high hopes for a jolly Christmas with the small circle of people she has come to love are toppled when Ian's father is hospitalized and the matriarch of the Whitcombe family withholds her blessing from Miranda. Questions run rampant in Miranda's mind about whether she really belongs in this cheery corner of the world. Then, when her true identity threatens all her relationships in unanticipated ways, Miranda is certain all is lost.
And yet...maybe Father Christmas has special gifts in store for her after all.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Engaging Father Christmas, go HERE
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Quills and Promises by Amber Miller
This was such a good book! I really enjoy the historical romances and this one was a great read. It found it hard to put down. If you enjoy reading stories with a great story and meaning, look no further than this book!
Hi, I'm Amber, but my friends call me Tiff, short for Tiffany, my first name. I am in my 30's, married the love of my life in July 2007, and live in beautiful Colorado just east of the Front Range of the Rockies, but I love to travel and visit new places. Ultimately, my dream is to own horses and live in a one-level rancher or log cabin nestled in the foothills of the mountains. For now, I will remain where I am and do what I love—design web sites and write.
Amber's very first book, Promises, Promises, released in February 2008. It's a historical fiction set in Delaware during the Colonial period and the Great Awakening. The other 2 books in the series are this current one, Quills And Promises (July 2008) and Deceptive Promises (December 2008). In 2009, they will be repackaged for a state set entitled Delaware Brides. She has also sold another series set in historical Michigan during the Industrial Revolution. The 3 books in that series will begin releasing in May 2009 and will be repackaged in 2010 as Michigan Brides.
ABOUT THE BOOK -- Separated from Madison when he leaves to fight the French and Indians, Elanna Hanssen must choose between her heart and her head, especially when Madison's integrity is questioned. --
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not until thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Innocence paired with wisdom beyond her years. With these traits, Elanna Hanssen unwittingly captures the attentions of Major Madison Scott. Her honest desire to understand the war fascinates him, and he resolves to get to know this perspicacious young lady better. When his military duty separates them, they begin a correspondence, cautiously baring their hearts to each other. Elanna has never known emotions like this before, but she is drawn to the integrity she sees in her major. Wh a local news reporter questions the major's credentials and activities, however, will she allow her heart or her head to rule? Can true love grow over such distance and around such obstacles?
If you'd like to read the first chapter of Quills And Promises, go HERE.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dark Pursuit by Brandilyn Collins
Two of my favorite authors in one week, be still my heart. Brandilyn has long kept me mesmerized from the first page to the last page with her riveting stories. They keep me guessing until the very end, which is the mark of an excellent writer and an exciting story. If you love suspense and action, but want a Christian story, too, check out Brandilyn's newest release. You will be glad you did!
Brandilyn Collins is known for her trademark Seatbelt Suspense®. She is currently working on her 20th book. For chances to win free copies of her work, join her Fan Club on Facebook. Here’s what Brandilyn has to say about why she wrote Dark Pursuit:
In John Milton’s Paradise Lost Satan’s followers, kicked out of heaven, boast about storming the gates and reclaiming their territory. Beelzebub scoffs at their boasting as merely “hatching vain empires” and suggests a different revengeful scheme: seduce mankind away from God. So Satan visits the Garden of Eden to teach humans the very thing he and his cohorts have learned to be futile—the dark pursuit of hatching their own vain empires instead of following God. He presented man with this “gift” of death, disguised as life. And man fell for it.
Upon this theme of man’s fall and spiritual blindness, I created the characters and events in Dark Pursuit. The story clips along at a fast pace, with much symbolism running underneath.

Novelist Darell Brooke lived for his title as King of Suspense—until an auto accident left him unable to concentrate. Two years later, reclusive and bitter, he wants one thing: to plot a new novel and regain his reputation.
Kaitlan Sering, his twenty-two-year-old granddaughter, once lived for drugs. After she stole from Darell, he cut her off. Now she’s rebuilding her life. But in Kaitlan’s town two women have been murdered, and she’s about to discover a third. She’s even more shocked to realize the culprit—her boyfriend, Craig, the police chief’s son.
Desperate, Kaitlan flees to her estranged grandfather. For over forty years, Darell Brooke has lived suspense. Surely he’ll devise a plan to trap the cunning Craig.
But can Darell’s muddled mind do it? And—if he tries—with what motivation? For Kaitlan’s plight may be the stunning answer to the elusive plot he seeks...
Read the first chapter of Dark Pursuit, HERE.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Woman I am Becoming by T. Suzanne Eller
What is a real woman?
Where do I fit?
What should I look like?
Who should I be with?
Where am I going?
What about my faith?
Each short chapter offers words from Suzie’s own story and an application, followed by real–life advice from older women who are still becoming. Concluding questions then help readers make what they’re reading their own.
As readers take their time, work through the emotions, and meet God in a new way, they’ll begin to understand the woman they’re becoming.
To purchase this book for yourself, click here!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Lion Book of Five-Minute Christmas Stories
To purchase this book, click here.
Smiles and Loves!

One Perfect Day by Lauraine Snelling
I have read Lauraine's books for years and haven't found one that I haven't liked. This one is not any different. I cried all through this book, but still didn't want to put it down. I give it two tissues up!LOL If you are looking for a great book for a gift or for yourself, you do not want to miss Lauraine's newest book.
Today, Lauraine Snelling is a member of the more than Two Million Books In Print club, but when she first began, she was a mother of three teenagers with a simple dream to write “horse books for kids.”
All told, she has over 50 books published. She thinks. She’s not sure. She’d rather write them than count them. Lauraine’s work has been translated into Norwegian, Danish and German as well as produced as books on tape.
Awards have followed her dedication to “telling a good story”: the Silver Angel Award for An Untamed Land and a Romance Writers of America Golden Heart for Song of Laughter.
Helping others reach their writing dream is the reason Lauraine teaches at writer’s conferences across the country. She mentors others through book doctoring and with her humorous and playful Writing Great Fiction tape set. Lauraine also produces material on query letters and other aspects of the writing process.
Her readers clamor for more books more often and Lauraine would like to comply, if only her ever-growing flower gardens didn’t call quite so loudly over the soothing rush of the water fountains in her back yard and if the hummingbirds weren’t quite so entertaining. Lauraine and husband Wayne have two grown sons and a cockatiel named Bidley, who loves to tease their Basset Hound named Chewy.
Two mothers end up more closely connected that they could dream...and yet they are strangers to one another.
The first has two children--twins, a boy and girl, who are seniors in high school. She wants their last Christmas as a family living in the same home to be perfect, but her husband is delayed returning from a business trip abroad. And then there's an accident--a fatal one involving a drunk driver.
Meanwhile, the other mother has a daughter who needs a new heart, and so the loss of one woman becomes the miracle the other has desperately prayed for. While one mother grieves, and pulls away from her family, the other finds that even miracles aren't always easy to receive.
If you would like to read the first chapter of One Perfect Day, go HERE
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Death and Life of Gabriel Phillips by Stephen Baldwin and Mark Tabb
Mark Tabb

Equally adept at drama and comedy, Baldwin has appeared in over 60 films and been featured on such top-rated television shows as Fear Factor and Celebrity Mole. He has his own production company that is developing projects for television and the big screen. These days, however, his role as director, co-producer and host of Livin' It - a cutting-edge skate video is bringing out his white hot passion for evangelism.


When Officer Andy Myers met Loraine Phillips, he had no interest in her son. And he certainly never dreamed he'd respond to a call, finding that same boy in a pool of blood. Even more alarming was the father standing watch over his son's body. Myers had never seen a man respond to death-particularly the death of a child-in such a way. When the father is charged with murder and sentenced to death, he chooses not to fight but embrace it as God's will. Myers becomes consumed with curiosity for these strange beliefs. What follows is the story of the bond these two men share as they come to terms with the tragedy and the difficult choices each one must make.
If you would like to read the first chapter of The Death and Life of Gabriel Phillips, go HERE

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
White Christmas Pie by Wanda Brunstetter
I have loved Wanda's books for years and this Christmas one was definitely not any different. If you are looking for a good book for a gift or for your own Christmas reading stack, this one is it! Don't miss reading Wanda's newest!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Fascinated by the Amish people during the years of visiting her husband's family in Pennsylvania, WANDA E. BRUNSTETTER combined her interest with her writing and now has eleven novels about the Amish in print, along with numerous other stories and ministry booklets. She lives in Washington State, where her husband is a pastor, but takes every opportunity to visit Amish settlements throughout the states.
This year Wanda also publishedA Sister's Hope
ABOUT THE BOOKStep into Amish country for this bittersweet holiday romance. Here you'll meet Will Henderson, a young man tortured by his past, and Karen Yoder, a young woman looking for answers. Add a desperate father searching for his son, and you have all the ingredients for a first-class romance that will inspire and enthrall.
Abandoned by his father, Will Henderson was raised by an Amish couple. Now he's about to marry Karen Yoder but is having second thoughts. Can Will overcome the bitterness of his past in order to secure his future? Karen cannot break through the barrier her fiance has suddenly constructed around his heart. When she seeks the advice of an old boyfriend, Will begins to see green. Has he already lost his chance for happiness?
When an accident threatens Will's life, the strength of blood ties is tested. Will a recipe for White Christmas pie contain the ingredients for a happily-ever-after?
If you would like to read the first chapter of White Christmas Pie, go HERE
Watch the book trailer:
Where Was God Born? by Phillip W. Rodgers
To purchase this book for yourself or as a gift, click here.
Smiles and Loves!
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Mother's Wish by Jerry Camery-Hoggatt